Muhammad the Prophet of Mercy

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  • Muhammad the Prophet of Mercy


    Do not listen to this Qur’an!

    chiefs of Quraish well perceived the overpowering influence the Noble Qur’an
    had on souls. They failed to overcome it themselves. They resisted it, not with
    reason, sound argument, or facts, but by making loud insolent noises; singing
    and joking in the midst of its recitation so that even true listeners may not
    be able to hear.

    They were too proud to
    believe and incited people not to listen to the Qur’an, saying, as the Noble
    Qur’an relates:

    not listen to this Qur’an, and make noise in the midst of (reciting) it that
    you may overcome.”

    They went to extremes in obduracy, and to further frustrate the
    Messenger r
    and stop him from inviting them to Islam, told him: Our hearts are under
    coverings, so none of your words reach us. In our ears is deafness, so we hear
    nothing of your preaching. Between you and us is a barrier, so leave us alone
    and persist in your way for we shall persist in ours.2The Noble Qur’an quotes their words, saying:

    hearts are within coverings from that to which you invite us, and in our ears
    is deafness, and between us and you is a barrier, so work (on your way). Indeed,
    we are working (on our way).”

    It was only near the end of the fifth year of prophethood that
    the Prophet r
    was able to recite the Qur’an to them in their assemblies and gatherings, and
    it only happened by way of surprise, without anyone discerning his intention
    before he r
    began the recitation.4

    In Ramadan of the fifth year, the Prophet r
    went to the Sanctuary, where there was a large assembly of the chiefs and
    dignitaries of Quraish. Suddenly he r rose among them and began
    reciting Surat An-Najm.

    It was the first time they had heard the Words of Allah, for
    they had persisted in what they had advised one another: (“Do
    not listen to this Qur’an, and make noise in the midst of (reciting) it that
    you may overcome.”

    But when the Prophet r
    surprised them with the recital of the
    Surah and the
    Holy Words of Allah struck their ears – the most
    fascinating they had ever heard – he r captivated their

    They all forgot their previous advice and listened attentively,
    thinking of nothing else, to such an extent that when the Prophet r
    reached the powerful, awe-inspiring images in the last Ayat of this
    Surah, and then recited: (So fall you down in
    prostration to Allah, and worship Him (alone)
    )6 and prostrated himself, none of them could restrain themselves
    and they all fell down in prostration.

    In reality, it was the wonderful moment of truth that cleaved
    through the obdurate souls of these proud scoffers, and they could not help but
    prostrate themselves.

    They stood aghast when they realized that the Words of Allah had
    conquered their will and made them do the very thing they had been trying hard
    to annihilate. Severe reproach and blame followed from every side from their
    co-Mushrikin who had not been present on the scene. They began to
    fabricate lies and calumniate the Prophet r, alleging that he had
    praised their idols and ascribed to them the power of intercession.

    They brought forth this glaring
    falsehood to establish an excusable justification for prostrating themselves
    with the Prophet
    r, because they were people addicted to
    lying and intrigue.

    meanings of Fussilat 41: 26.

    2 Sayyid Qutb, In the Shade of the
    , interpretation of Surat Fussilat [41: 5], thirty-sixth
    edition, Dar Al-Shorouk.

    meanings of Fussilat 41: 5.

    4 Safi-ur-Rahman Mubarakpuri, Ar-Rahiq Al-Makhtum; Second Phase (Open Preaching): The Diverse Tactics Used In Fighting
    the Islamic Call.

    Translated meanings of
    Fussilat 41: 26.

    Translated meanings of
    An-Najm 53: 62.

    7 Safi-ur-Rahman Mubarakpuri, Ar-Rahiq Al-Makhtum; Second Phase (Open Preaching): Prostration of the Mushrikin
    with the Muslims.


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