Major Sins

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  • Major Sins

  • Acknowledgment

    In translating this book EI-Falah staff members attempted to study and analyze some books published in the same field in or­der to be consistent. Although the book was written in the same style and wording used by the early Muslim scholars, the trans­lators, in turn, have nothing but to assimilate, paraphrase and then translate in a simple English structure. Therefore, we are indebted to our translators:

    Abdul-Hamid A. Eliwa Ali M. As-Sawi

    Wa'il A. Shehab

    Mahmud AI-Qastawi


    Great appreciation is due to our editor, Jeewan Chanicka under whose guidance and supervision the subject matter took form.

              Our gratitude goes to friends, associates, and professors for their valuable advice and help and for many useful things we have learnt from them.

    In truth, the benefit yielded from this book as a spiritual ser­mon began before it was sent to the printer's as it puts before our eyes the abode, which we are going to.



    Praise be to Allah under Whose Might all worlds are subdued and all hearts acknowledge and surrender to in fear. Thanks are due to Him for concealing my faults and sins. May Allah bless the Messenger, Muhammed and give him peace upon whom Allah revealed the surah of Qaf.

    To commence: I introduce this book (Major sins) written by Imam Dhahabi in another form. As I verified the text, documented[1] the hadiths and maxims, and elaborated on the difficult words. Thus, it is better to keep on reading this book day and night alone and aloud. You have to bear in mind that what you view in this world is either good or bad, clear or vague, a lust followed by sorrow or sins followed by gloom. Therefore, you have to reject a perishable joy or lust, a binding condemnity, an inevitable sorrow, and a grievous affliction. Judge yourself before being judged by Allah the Lord of the universe. Remember that the one who will be prosperous, is the one who washes away the filth of his sins by repentance while repentance is available, awaked and gets out from the place of sins to the fort of guidance before repentance and apology are of no avail. May Allah safeguard us with His sleepless eyes and keep us away from faults and sins for He is the All-Hearing, the Nearest.

                                                                                            Dr. Mustafa M. Dhahabi




    Imam Dhahabi

    The full name of Imam Dhahabi is Shamsu ed-Deen, Abu Abdullah Muhammed Ibn Ahmed Ibn Uthman Ibn Qayma, who lived in Turkman and then moved to Damascus. He was born in 673 A.H. in Damascus. He moved to Cairo and visited many countries. Before he died, he became blind. He was Hafiz, scholar of Hadith, and historian.

    He wrote many interesting books such as Tazkirat al-Huffaz, Islamic Countries, History of Islam, The Biography of Well-known Nobles, The Biographic of Notes of the Hadith Transmitters, Classes of Readers, Prophetic Medicine, Greatest Leadership, Moderate Balance in Evaluating the Transmitters, Mustadrak on "Mustadrak AI-Hakim" Furthermore, he summarized many other books. He died in 748 A.H.



    [1] I did not criticize or verify the narratives and maxims mentioned in the book which contradict clear sacred texts. It is sufficient to refer only to the authentic texts and leave others aside.


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