Islam In Brief

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  • Islam In Brief

    The Articles of Faith
    There are also articles of faith which include beside believing in the Oneness of Allah: 1. Believing in the angels. Allah has created them and tasked them to undertake numerous duties beside praising Him. They are His obedient salves. "They stand in awe and reverence of His [glory]"'7. 2. Beliveing in Allah's Scriptures, that they were free from any imperfection or errors at the time of their revelation. All Scriptures that preceded the Qur'an have been tampered with or distorted by their people, while the Qur'an is protected by Allah from change or tampering. Allah sent down Scriptures to Abraham, Isma'il, Is'haq, Ya'oob (Jacob) and his twelve sons, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad. 3. Believing in Allah's Messengers. Among whom the most prominent and steadfast are Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, peace be on them. They are human and slaves of Allah. Every Prophet or Messenger before Muhammad, peace be on him, was sent to his own people, but Muhammad, peace be on him. was sent to all mankind. Allah says: "Blessed is He Who Sent down the Criterion To His Servant, that it May be an admonition to all Creatures;-"'8. 17. Qur'an 21: 28. 18. Qur'an 25 None of Allah's Messengers or Prophets claimed to be a god or part-god. Allah says: "No son did Allah beget, nor is there any god along with Him: (if there were many gods), behold, each god would have taken away what he had created and some would have Lorded it over others! Glory to Allah! (He is free) from the (sort of) things they attribute to Him!"'9. 4. Believing in the Last Day, the Day of Resurrection. Allah has predecreed a term for each creature, and a term for the life of this world. The world's termination will be marked by the sounding of the Trumpet, then the trumpet will sound again and mankind shall be resurrected to stand before the Lord of the worlds to be questioned about their deeds in this world. Those who believed in Allah and were obedient will go to Jannah or (Paradise), and those who disbelieved will end up in Hell-Fire. 5. Believing in predestination. Allah has created everything in accordance with His decree, predestination, desire and will, and in due proportion. His determinattion of the nature of things was established fiftythousand years before He created the Heavens and the earth~". Nothing occurs or takes shape within the heavens or the earth but with His knowledge and by His order. 19. Qur'an 23: 91. 20. Abdullah Bin Amr reported that the Messenger of Allah, peace be on him, said: "Allah had predecreed the creation fifty thousand vears before he brought the heavens and the earth into existence''. (Imam Muslim, Ahmad and at-Tirmidthi) . Now that you read this booklet, the decision is yours. Everyone is heading for the same end, but may choose any other route. Allah is so merciful; Allah is far removed from injustice; He says: "Nor would we punish until. We had sent A messenger (to give warning)"'. Out of our concern for you, we have prepared this message. . 21 Quran 17: 16.
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